February 25, 2025
This declaration was issued publicly by the signatories in French only.
We’re launching an initiative encouraging you to support homegrown media, creators and culture.
Over 8 million francophones live in Canada, and we have countless stories to tell. Our media — your media — reflect what’s happening in the communities where we live. They share our perspectives and fuel our collective imagination. They’re a vital part of who we are.
We’re incredibly fortunate to have so many outstanding Canadian creators producing high-quality, internationally acclaimed content for you every day. When you support homegrown media, you’re supporting these thousands of talented artists and professionals. You’re also supporting the thousands of people working behind the scenes to keep you informed and entertained. And ultimately, you’re supporting our economy too.
What you watch, read and listen to makes a difference.
You have the power.
Choose Canadian media first.
Acadie Nouvelle
Francis Sonier, Publisher and General Manager
Alliance des radios communautaires du Canada
Gary Ouellette, President
Altomedia, Le Métropolitain-Le Régional-L’Action-Le Rempart
Denis Poirier, President
AMI Télé
Isabella Federigi, Vice-President, Content Development and Programming
Monika Ille, CEO
Arsenal Media
Sylvain Chamberland, President and CEO
Bell Media
Suzane Landry, Vice-President, Content Development, Programming and News
Canal M, la voix de l’inclusion
Philippe Lapointe, Program Director
Corus Francophone Specialty Channels
Julie Godin, Executive Director
Codiac FM
Cédric Ayisa, Executive Director
Cogeco Media
Caroline Jamet, President
Coopérative nationale de l’information indépendante (Cn2i)
Geneviève Rossier, Executive Director
Fédération des télévisions communautaires autonomes du Québec
Amélie Hinse, General Manage
Julie Cayouette, Editor-in-Chief
Serge Parent, President
Hebdos Québec
Benoit Chartier, Chair of the Board of Directors
Renel Bouchard, President
Journal Agricom
André Dumont, Vice-President
Journal La Liberté
Sophie Gaulin, Director and Editor-in-Chief
Journal La Source
Mamadou Gangué, Founding Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
KO Média and KO Éditions
Sophie Banford, Executive Director
Éric Grenier, Editor-in-Chief
La Presse
Florence Turpault-Desroches, Vice-President, Communications and Philanthropy
La Presse Canadienne
Frédéric Vanasse, General Manager and Editor
L’Association des radiodiffuseurs communautaires du Québec (ARCQ)
Sandra McNeil, President
L’Aurore boréale
Maryne Dumaine, Director
La Superstation CKLE 92.FM CJVA94.2FM
Danie Aubé, Director
La Voix acadienne
Marcia Enman, Director
Le Courrier de la Nouvelle-Écosse
Nicolas Jean, Executive Director
Le Devoir
Brian Myles, Director
Le Gaboteur
Idriss Chafroud, General Manager
Le Groupe Pratico
Jean Labranche, President
Médias Ténois, Journal L’Aquilon – Radio Taïga
Nicolas Servel, CEO
Radio Beauséjour Inc., CJSE-Plus 90-Le Moniteur Acadien
Jason Ouellette, General Manager
Radio C105/C98/C93/C90
Laurent Lavenne, General Manager
Dany Meloul, Executive Vice-President
François Legault, CEO
Ricardo Media
Brigitte Coutu, President and CEO
RNC Media
Robert Ranger, President and CEO
Savoir média
Marie-Josée Lestage, General Manager
Marie Collin, President and CEO
Xavier Brassard-Bédard, President and CEO
Tribune : la Voix du Nipissing Ouest
Suzanne Gammon, Publisher
TV5 Québec Canada
Marie-Claude Caron, Interim President
This statement is provided by CBC/Radio-Canada and is available here.