October 24, 2017
Winnipeg, Manitoba – First Peoples Radio Inc. (FPR) is back on track after Canadian and Radio Television Commission’s (CRTC) decision to grant the non-profit corporation established by Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) two Type B Native FM radio stations, was challenged. English and Aboriginal-language radio stations in the urban Aboriginal communities of Ottawa and Toronto are set to launch by summer 2018.
“There is a very strong demand for such a service across Canada. Our research has clearly demonstrated this and now we can move to offer an original voice and sound that will be like no other in the radio industry,” said Jean La Rose, CEO of APTN. “I am very confident that the service will gain broad audiences in the Ottawa and Toronto markets and that our programming will become a favourite of not only Aboriginal Peoples but many Canadians as well”.
First Peoples Radio Inc. will hold true to its original inspiration – to fill the gap for urban Aboriginal Peoples who feel that existing stations don’t reflect their presence in the community. Furthermore, Aboriginal voices and creative talent are marginalized in popular culture and non-Aboriginal media in Canada.
FPR has also worked to create partnerships with established local and regional Aboriginal communication societies that currently served Aboriginal Peoples in other urban markets. Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) in Saskatchewan and Native Communications Incorporated (NCI) in Manitoba will produce and share programming in conjunction with FPR. Discussions are currently underway to create such programming partnerships with Aboriginal Multi Media Society of Alberta (AMMSA) in Alberta and Northern Native Broadcasting Terrace (NNBT) in British Columbia. It is hoped that other groups and societies will join in to create a national voice for our Peoples.
In partnership with Corus, the studio spaces in Ottawa and Toronto will proceed as quickly as possible. Please visit www.aptn.ca for upcoming job postings as well as future announcements and updates of the launch of these exciting radio stations.
- FPR is a non-profit corporation established by APTN.
- APTN is the first national Aboriginal broadcaster in the world and remains the only one in Canada.
- Beyond broadcasting, APTN supports the arts and creation of music as a unique reflection of our culture. Aboriginal culture and values have gone through great suppressions and APTN is confident that their long-term survival will be achieved through music and art.
- Five radio station frequencies to serve Urban Aboriginal Peoples became available in 2015 after the CRTC revoked Aboriginal Voices Radio broadcasting licences for repeated and serious non-compliance with its regulatory obligations.
- FPR applied for all five licences, was granted two. FPR is happy to accept this decision as an initial step toward building a national presence in radio for Urban Aboriginal Peoples.
- The urban markets of Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto and Ottawa have not had a station entirely devoted to Aboriginal Peoples since 2015. APTN now plays a central role in the Canadian broadcasting system. From the many messages and stories, we have heard from our audiences, community leaders, and others, we know the network is making a difference in the lives of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.
About First Peoples Radio
First Peoples Radio (FPR), a non-profit corporation, received radio licenses from the CRTC in 2017 to operate English and Aboriginal-language Type B Native FM radio stations to serve the urban Aboriginal communities in Ottawa and Toronto. Established by Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN), its inspiration is to offer programming that is a true reflection of Aboriginal Peoples and a part of the regular fabric and dialogue in each city. The guiding principles for urban Aboriginal radio are through providing news and information programming that is distinctive, and by highlighting the growing pool of exceptional Aboriginal musical talent, which now receives little to no airplay.
For further information about First Peoples Radio or image requests, contact:
Jacqueline Jubinville
Manager of Communications, APTN
(204) 947-9331, ext. 339