January 8, 2019
Winnipeg, Man. – APTN is conducting a National Indigenous Music Impact Study (NIMIS), the first of its kind in Canada. The study will look at the challenges and successes that the Indigenous music community faces, and will estimate the economic contributions and other impacts that this community has on Canada.
APTN and its partners are leading this project and will engage with those involved in the Indigenous music community, including anyone (Indigenous or non-Indigenous) who creates, promotes and supports Indigenous music in Canada. The results of this study will be made public and shared widely with organizations who support the community.
“Indigenous musicians and their supporters are involved in every facet of the music and television industry across the country. Yet, no national study has ever been conducted about the impact of the Indigenous music community,” said Jean La Rose, APTN CEO. “The results of this endeavour will help APTN and its partners better understand the current state of the Indigenous music community, as well as identify opportunities that will foster its success and growth.”
Participants may be asked to take part in phone interviews, group discussions and an online survey. Those who complete the survey could win cash prizes. Draw dates are Jan. 14, 2019 and Feb. 18, 2019, with the chance to win $1,000 from each draw. The survey must be completed before Jan. 14, 2019 in order for the participant to be entered in both draws.
Members of the Indigenous music community who would like to pariticpate can visit the NIMIS website.
Participation in this study is voluntary, responses will remain confidential and participants will remain anonymous. Visit the NIMIS Rules & Regulations and Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
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APTN wishes to thank the following funders and organizations who have helped make this initiative possible:
• Canada Council for the Arts
• Canadian Heritage
• City of Toronto
• Creative BC
• Creative Saskatchewan
• Manitoba Film and Sound
• Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI
• Music Canada
• Music-Musique NB
• MusicNL
• Music Nova Scotia
• Music Prince Edward Island
• Ontario Creates
• Ulnooweg
About APTN
APTN launched in 1999 as the first national Indigenous broadcaster in the world, creating a window into the remarkably diverse mosaic of Indigenous Peoples. A respected non-profit and charitable broadcaster, it’s the only network of its kind in North America. The network is Sharing Our Stories of authenticity in English, French and a variety of Indigenous languages to approximately 11 million Canadian subscribers. With over 80% Canadian content, APTN connects with its audiences through genuine, inspiring, and engaging entertainment on multiple platforms.
For more information about the study, submitting image requests or APTN, please contact:
Emili Bellefleur
Communications Coordinator, APTN
(514) 544-6124 ext. 227