Tamara Voudrach

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Board of Directors

Northeast Quadrant

Tamara Voudrach is Inuvialuk from Inuvik, N.W.T.  Her advocacy and action work focus on the intersection of culture and language preservation, creating opportunities for Inuvialuit and other Indigenous youth to access meaningful training and mentorship in the film, arts and culture sectors.

Tamara started her professional journey as a student at Capilano University, where she obtained a diploma in Indigenous Digital Filmmaking. She is currently working towards her bachelor of commerce through MacEwan University. 

Tamara works as the executive director for the Inuvialuit Communications Society, a non-profit film and print media organization that amplifies Inuvialuit culture, language and stories in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and beyond. Tamara is also a co-founder of the Arctic Youth Development Agency (AYDA Women) and works to coordinate programs for the organization. 

Tamara is honoured to join APTN to further illuminate First Nations, Inuit and Métis voices through media and film.