
  • Please note that requests will be processed in order of priority.
  • We will do our best to accommodate urgent requests. The delay in processing other requests will vary according to volume and may require up to 5 working days for documents under 150 words, and up to 10 days for larger documents. Additional time may be necessary for longer documents or documents that use specialized or technical terminology.
  • For editing purposes, all copy sent for translation or revision must be inserted directly in this form, but original files should be uploaded as an attachment for context.
  • Documents submitted for translation are subject to review and correction before being approved.
  • A separate request must be sent for each project.
  • All translation and revision-related questions may be sent to [email protected]
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

*We can only guarantee translations and copy editing/reviewing services in English and French. We can assist in finding a suitable translator/reviewer for other languages, but will not be able to vouch for the quality of the final product.